If you look closely you'll notice this is a minor variation of one of Roman's tutorials. Will obviously need some tweaking based on your settings. I tested it with a simple 1px white tile. It grows & moves at the same time giving a zoom appearance.
Had one effect actually arcing like it was popping out. Lost it in a dx crash unfortunately.
Dim MinW,MaxW
MinW = 48
MaxW = 256
MinH = 48
'This line is in here for future reference. Not functional in this script
MaxH = 256
Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
object.width = MinW
Object.Height = MinH
Object.top = 594
Object.left = 201
End Sub
'You can use place the script below into another object as follows
'Call DesktopX.ScriptObject("effect").Toggle
Sub Object_OnLButtonDown(x,y)
Call Toggle
End Sub
' This Sub actually could be combined with the Grow/Shrink functions. It looks a little nicer this way.
Sub Toggle
If object.width => MinW Then
Call Shrink
Call Grow
End If
End Sub
Function Shrink
object.KillTimer 200
object.SetTimer 100,10
End Function
Function Grow
object.KillTimer 100
object.SetTimer 200,10
End Function
Sub object_ontimer100
If object.width => MinW Then
object.width = object.width - 4
object.height = object.height - 4
object.left = object.left - 8
object.top = object.top + 8
object.KillTimer 100
End If
End Sub
Sub object_ontimer200
If object.width <= MaxW Then
object.width = object.width + 4
object.height = object.height + 4
object.left = object.left + 8
object.top = object.top - 8
object.KillTimer 200
End If
End Sub
Sub Object_OnDropFiles(files)
Object.picture = files
End Sub