This is a work in progress so, be gentle. I was at a website last week when it occured to me a smoother mouse over transition could be had be scripting image settings to a timer.
Complete script will be at the end of this post.
First, we start with a basic red object:
Next we set up the hue settings
When we load the object the colour would then be:
Next we will set up our state changes & the relevant timers:
Initial Fade will look like this:
Final Colour should be similar to this:
Dim hueAway
Dim hueOver
Dim hueDown
'Called when the script is executed
Sub Object_OnScriptEnter
hueAway = 100
hueOver = 124
hueDown = 135
'Sets Object Hue on load
Object.Hue = hueAway
End Sub
Sub Object_OnStateChange(state)
If state="Mouse over" Then
Object.SetTimer 100, 75
If state="Mouse away" Then
Object.SetTimer 200, 75
If state="Mouse up" Then
Object.Hue = hueAway
If state="Mouse down" Then
Object.Hue = hueDown
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
'Increase the hue until it reaches the hueover aka Target Mouse Over colour
Sub Object_OnTimer100
If Object.Hue => hueAway Then
If Object.Hue <=hueOver Then
Object.Hue = Object.Hue + 2
Object.SetTimer 200, 75
Object.KillTimer 100
End If
End If
End Sub
'Decreases the hue until it returns to away state colour
Sub Object_OnTimer200
If Object.Hue => hueOver Then
Object.Hue = Object.Hue - 2
Object.KillTimer 200
End If
End Sub
'Called when the script is terminated
Sub Object_OnScriptExit
Object.KillTimer 100
Object.KillTimer 200
End Sub
Basically, you end up with smooth slow fade. Now you should notice why I indicate this is a work in progress as the colours don't match up exactly due to the simplicity of the script. I'm working on a more advance version based on the sliding object script from the gallery and will post the object when or if completed.