Random Musings from the Intellectually Gifted. How's that for no ego? :pfft
Okay. This was just rejected from upload. So, I'm wondering if some people would be more than kind to test this out. Everyone over at Aqua-soft & elsewhere seem to have it working. Excluding a few initial hiccups.

Here's what the issues are:
  1.  Skins not changing within right click menu
  2. the other issue is with registering the com object
The reason this has been left manually from the right click menu is for users who already have ImageMagick installed with the existing com object. It unregisters that version when you install this version & may cause problems with the command line tools, etc.

Get the Gadget at deviantart-->http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/61284589/

on Aug 03, 2007
Oh, for developers here is the sub I use to register/unregister the com object when selected in the right click menu.

Code: vbscript
  1. '--Adds Install/Uninstall Option to Right Click Menu
  2. Sub comInstall
  3. Set objShell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
  4. Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
  5. comPath=DesktopX.ExecutableDirectory&"ImageMagick\ImageMagickObject.dll"
  6. regsvrPath=DesktopX.ExecutableDirectory&"ImageMagick\regsvr32.exe"
  7. r = msgbox("Click YES to register." & vbcrlf & "Click NO to Unregister.", 35, "Register or Unregister?")
  8. If r = 2 Then
  9. Exit Sub
  10. ElseIf r = 6 Then
  11. '-------- this is the only line you need to register: Regsvr path [space] /S [space] DLL path ------------
  12. '-- silent method: sh.Run(sys & "\regsvr32.exe /S " & arg)
  13. strCommand="cmd.exe /C "&regsvrPath&" " & comPath
  14. iReturn = objShell.Run(strCommand, 0, True)
  15. Else
  16. '--silent method: sh.Run(sys & "\regsvr32.exe /S /U " & arg)
  17. strCommand="cmd.exe /C "&regsvrPath&" /U " & comPath
  18. iReturn = objShell.Run(strCommand, 0, True)
  19. End If
  20. 'msgbox "Done."
  21. Set objShell = Nothing
  22. Set objFSO = Nothing
  23. End Sub
on Aug 04, 2007

Skins not changing within right click menu

the other issue is with registering the com object

Just in case I neglected to mention it in the email, SirSmiley ...these are the exact issues I was having when testing it myself. Another moderator also had the first problem.

I really hope you do get it sorted out. It looks great.

on Aug 04, 2007
Yesterday I had problems with getting the Metallic Iron skin to apply. Then anytime I selected an item from the menu the second, default hide/close/about/preferences menu would appear. But when I unregistered the com object, deleted everything, and then started over from the zip it didn't have that problem anymore.

However, today when I load the iReflector up again I can't get the custom r-click menu. All I get is the standard hide/close/about/preferences menu.

Are you using the R-click Replacement script? I was having problems with that on some stuff I was working on so I just opted for the regular r-click menu.
on Aug 04, 2007
Erk & sViz the issue may have been that I left in an additional Right click option on the top bar that was being used in the object when developing.

And yes I'm using the custom r-click menu. I had those issues only with the option up above enabled.

I think I will switch it to including automatically installing/uninstalling like Skarn did in his object. After all how many people actually do have ImageMagick installed?

Edit: Don't know how to say this without sounding like a kiss @ss but, DesktopX does a great job of packing the dll into the final gadget!